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Arizona Statutory Agent Services

Arizona's Premier Statutory Agent Service

EXISTING business or Do-It-Yourself

Let's make sure you are in the right place. You are in the right place if you ALREADY have one of the following:

  • "DOMESTIC" (Arizona) for-profit or non-profit LLC, Corporation, or Partnership, OR 

  • "FOREIGN" (formed in another state) for-profit or non-profit LLC, Corporation, or Partnership, that has already been approved by the ACC to do business in Arizona, OR
  • "FOREIGN" (formed in another state) for-profit or non-profit LLC, Corporation, or Partnership, that wants to do business in Arizona, but has not yet been approved by the ACC to do business in Arizona.


You are forming your own business (i.e., you are completing and filing your own documents with the ACC):

  • You are forming your own Arizona LLC.
  • You are forming your own Arizona corporation.

If you don't have one of the above, then Go BACK.

3 EASY STEPS - We will walk you through each one.

STEP 1 - Answer 2 questions (1st question is on next page)

STEP 2 - Enter information for your new account

STEP 3 - If necessary, you will download one or more forms, complete them, and send them to us or to the Arizona Corporation Commission

Step 1 - Answer 2 questions

Go Here to answer Question 1